May 7, 2023

Hey team :)

What a whirlwind it has been since I last checked in.

It feels like the momentum from chipping away with this teeny tiny hammer has finally split the boulder.

And ain't that how all great things work?

I took time to sit back and reflect on this business that you all have been watching me build from day one.... and can you believe how far we've come????

From pulling an all-nighter in 100+ degrees to design the first "Shooters Shoot" t-shirt in October of 2021...

to hitting 60K followers on Instagram this week.

I didn't share this on Insta.... but you'll never guess who one of those followers is....

That... along with this video doing over 9M views.... you could say IT'S BEEN A WILD FREAKING TIME MY PEOPLE WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!?!?!


Alright thanks for letting me freak out. In other news....

I've got a handful of 4-Day Immersive Shooting Experience clinics coming up:

June 5th - 8th - Filmore, Utah

June 19th - 22nd - Tehachapi, CA

I'll also be running Shooting/Finishing and Playmaking clinics ALL SPRING for Austin-based Strata Athletics, we've got a handful of spots left in each weekend camp... so if you're in the Austin area, or you know someone who has a 4th-8th grade athlete nearby, we'd love to have you sign up/share. :)

You can sign up for a Strata Athletics clinic here!

Later on in the summer, I'll be hosting an exclusive retreat for incoming Sophomores and up (all girls) that are intending to play in college, or have already signed to do so.

You can upload film and apply for one of those 16 spots here -- I intend for it to be the highest level of basketball, personal, and emotional development that is currently offered anywhere.

I intend to be more active with this newsletter this Spring, and as always, I am so grateful for all of you.

I don't know where this whole thing is going to lead me... but I do know that I'm exactly where I need to be... where my feet are. :)

Keep getting buckets, my friends.
