Mar 5, 2023

I'll make this one short, because the video below explains everything you'll need to know.

I don't want to just run camps for athletes and never see them again.

I think that basketball is a universe ever-expanding, and through that evolution, a gap was created.

On top of it all, training is becoming less and less accessible.

There are fewer options for support for our athletes who weren't blessed with the picket fences.

This is a change I want to be at the forefront of leading.

This community will be completely free for anyone to join.

Without further adieu, I have the chills.

And I present to you:

The Shooters Shoot Roster

A Mentorship Community

Join the Waitlist

If you want to dive even deeper, here is a walkthrough with our very first athlete enrolled in the Committed Tier.

(We will offer multiple paid-tier options for the athletes that would like more support and access to workouts, classrooms, 1-on-1 time, and in-person 4-Day Intensives.)

Be back tomorrow to introduce you to an incredible team full of mentors I feel nothing but trust, love, and confidence in.

Stay tuned for more. :)

Shooters Shoot,
