Apr 30, 2023

I've had this line on my website since the day it went up nearly 2 years ago:

I'm not trying to just train you once and never see you again.

When I wrote that, I didn't know how I could possibly make that happen with all of the athletes I get to coach throughout a calendar year.

And the best thing you can do with big ideas is just continue to sit with them.

With the way the world is moving, things that were once improbable are now shattering norms.

I organically stumbled upon the technology needed to achieve something like this less than two months ago.

And I saw IMMEDIATELY how powerful it could be.

So after a 60-day sprint, three timezone changes, an 80-degree swing in temperatures, and very few hours of sleep...

You have no idea how excited I am that I have found the way. :)

This is bigger than a single basketball camp for me. I'm hoping it will be bigger for you too.

The only athletes permitted at any Shooters Shoot Clinic must be a member of The Roster first.

And I can't wait to meet you!

The Shooters Shoot Roster - A Mentorship Community

Here's the recap. Inside, each athlete will have access to:

1) A Community

There will be places for workouts, highlights, reporting daily wins, film breakdowns, and extra (optional) assignment ideas that I will help them build, and that can be submitted with their college applications.

They'll be able to hype each other up, and be an ear for their peers who are going through the same things. And they'll be incentivized to do so with leaderboards and rewards for the athletes that stay active in the community.

The most active athlete at the end of each month will be sent free Shooters Shoot Merch, earn 1-on-1 meetings with a mentor of their choice, get early access to new courses, and more. :)

2) Classroom Material

Athletes will have access to shooting courses and workouts I've spent the last two years developing.

They'll be able to sift through film breakdowns on over 100+ shooters to train their eye for their own shot, and even more material will be added in the near future.

and my favorite part...

3) Live Weekly Meetings

This is where we will cover the things that school tends to miss.

The confidence pieces, nutrition, sport psychology, recruiting tips, and more. I'm bringing in therapists, sport psychologists, life coaches, professional athletes, and I've even got one special guest that is lowkey famous and ready to pour in. :)

Every question will be answered with truth and with love, and every week will help them grow into the happy, healthy, authentic version of themselves that we all wish for them to reach.

I have consistently said that I don't just want to train athletes once and never see them again. I want to invest in their growth--on and off the court.

Here is a walkthrough with our very first athlete enrolled in the Committed Tier. (I get her opinion on it all at the end, and it's worth watching!)

I can't wait to see you on the inside. :)

Enroll now!

Shooters shoot,
