Oct 8, 2023

Quick update and reminder!

In the last couple of weeks of building the conference (read: searching for sponsors), I've mostly had conversations that have led to... more conversations, lol.

But I'm familiar with this feeling.

This is what it feels like to stack days together.

To work a string of 8-10-12 hours days with no "real", tangible outcome to show for it... yet.

Yesterday, I had a meeting with a billionaire.

I got connected with HER (yeah, I said it loud) through a mutual friend when we were talking through the literal labyrinth that is the world of sponsorships.

I didn't meet with her with an ask for money--I simply wanted to pick her brain on where I should go next with all of it.

We came to this conclusion together:

This is a DEI initiative jackpot for large brands.

The women that this conference is providing a platform for deserve for their voices to be heard.

And this is less about what it means for right now.

This is about the next generation of female coaches.

My head has been down with building this business for the last two years, so it's easy to forget that lowkey I'm one of the only ones doing it like this??

I attribute that to mostly a series of accidental alignments (is there such a thing?) and a knack for being ballsy to begin with.

Honestly, I accidentally said "the audacity of self-belief" one time and then it became a series of several "WELP. WE'RE DOING IT" decisions.

But the next ones up... the little girls that are in the gym building right now... they won't see the same ceiling that we've lived with.

If I have anything to say about it, they won't see one at all.

They won't be the token woman on staff or at the table.

They'll just be in the room they're supposed to be in.

If any of you know literally ANYTHING about sponsorships or how to go about getting them... the pitch is good, and the purpose is greater. I'm having the conversations anyway--if you think it worth the time, I'm more than happy to add a few more. :)

Also, let's put some butts in seats.

If you know anything about me at all... you'll know inherently, yall won't want to miss this. Or at the very least, you know someone close to you who won't.

Spread the word. <3

We are 10 days away from Presale ending for the Changing The Game conference. :) If you want to keep up with the event, learn more about the speakers, and just get extra value in general... would love for you to subscribe to the CTG blog that I'll be writing each week.

Count down to 2023-10-15T04:00:00.000Z

Cheers to Changing The Game.

It's gonna be a wild ride. :)
