Apr 1, 2022

Happy Fire Friday, 🔥

I've never shared this with anyone before.

It was 103 degrees at 11pm on a Thursday in August. I was sitting outside on my front porch in Phoenix, AZ when the idea hit.

It had been a particularly long day of training, and as I going in and out of meditation and reflection on the day… it came from the same place I believe all great revelations come from.

It was the culmination of years of experiences, hours of thinking, and the nerve to trust inspiration.

It hit me like a Mack truck—but to understand it fully, you’ve got to stick with me for this one.

This is a story of empowering women, the Fibonacci Sequence, and Shooters Shoot.

A week or so before my moment of revelation, I had the opportunity to sit down with Sue Bird, Megan Rapinoe, and Diana Taurasi at a dinner that, by some stroke of luck (or perhaps the universe), I got invited to.

Of the many wonderful (and hilarious) things we talked about that night, women’s empowerment was not a “topic” of conversation, per say. But it was something that existed in that room.

It was inside of every sentence.

It sang its’ song with every laugh.

It shared its cadence in every story.

I’d always had a place in my heart that yearned to work for something that was bigger than me—something that carried on the fight for women that many before me have carried themselves.

And when I left that evening, I left with a purpose larger than the one I walked in with.

This is the moment I decided whatever it was that was brewing inside of me, it was going to speak to that purpose.

To instill that fight and that feeling in as many women, young and old, as I could.

Now… let’s dig back a little deeper.

When I was in grad school, I developed what some would call an obsession with the Fibonacci Sequence.

For those of you that are unfamiliar with the Fibonacci Sequence, it goes like this:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144… etc.

It’s simple and “sacred” math-- starting at zero, adding one, and then repeatedly adding the previous number in the sequence to infinitum.

We see the Fibonacci Sequence literally EVERYWHERE. If you’ve got access to a flower near you, count the pedals—the overwhelming chances are, that number will fall somewhere on the Fibonacci Sequence.Same thing with the small pieces that make up the spirals in pinecones, pineapples, the pistils of flowers, and the number of branches on a tree. It’s crazy cool—and you can check out more about that here, if you’d like.

But here’s the even CRAZIER part (gosh I’m like sweating writing this rn). 

If you divide all of the Fibonacci numbers (ex: 5/3, 8/5, 13/8, 21/13, etc.), you eventually make it to one number: 1.618… otherwise known as the Perfect Ratio, which I’ve left pictured in visual form below. (Sometimes known as the “Golden Ratio”, or the “Divine Proportion”).

I’ll save you too much of a math lesson, but just know, the Perfect Ratio is what artists, architects, and nature has used to make sense of the world. Some places where we see the Perfect Ratio:

Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam”.
The proportion of the human body.
Leonardo DaVinci’s “The Mona Lisa”.
The architecture of Ancient Greece.
Hokusai’s “The Great Wave”.
The dimensions of a rose.

The Perfect Ratio represents balance at the very core of nature, of design, of creation, of mind, and of art.

Alright, so I hope you’re still with me because this is the good part.

The mathematical symbol for the Perfect Ratio is called “Phi”, which is pictured below.

Look familiar? No?
What if you added another?

Still nothing? Okay. How about if you turn them on their sides and chop off the ends?

This. This is the origin of Shooters Shoot.

It’s a marriage of the two ideas that spoke most deeply to me.

The makeup of a shooter at the very core can be described as the Perfect Ratio between mind, body, power, and accuracy.

You cannot achieve mastery in shooting if either of these elements are unbalanced.

This is foundation upon which I developed my curriculum.

It’s math.
It’s nature.
It’s science.
It’s art.
It’s mind.
It’s empowerment.
It’s mastery.

It’s been eight months since that day in August, and a lot of things have changed for me.

I’ve built a brand around this.

I’ve used it donate to causes that support women’s empowerment.

I’ve scheduled my first intensives.

I’ve secured my first clinic.

I’ve started a newsletter.

I’ve created a YouTube channel.

I’ve found a purpose.

If you think you’re not just a thought, a meditation, a moment away from your own revelation… you’re wrong.

Keep thinking.

Keep pushing.

Keep the faith.

And as always…

Keep shooting.

I'll see you next Friday. 🔥

Shooters Shoot.
