May 8, 2022

Happy Fire Friday, 🔥

I hope I get that call in 9 years.

One thing I've learned as a nuance in building a brand is that it is important to wear it as often as possible. ESPECIALLY in airports.

Earlier this week, I was coming back to Texas from Phoenix and wearing the flagship white tee.

As I was downing the rest of my water before approaching security, a TSA agent named Taliese read it out loud: "Shooters Shoot... Do you play basketball?"

I almost choked on my water I was so excited.

I smiled big and said "Yeah, this is actually my brand! I'm a shooting coach, and this is something I'm building, too."

Taliese leaned back where she stood and said "Oh my gosh, I love that!! Do you have an Instagram??"

Long story short, I gave her my info.

And then the most wholesome thing happened...

As I made it through security and got my phone back, I saw that Taliese had sent me a message -- it was a video of her one-year-old little boy dunking on a Little Tikes basketball hoop. :)

"See you in 9 years" killed me. 😂

It's the coolest thing to have a stranger compliment this brand that means so much to me.

And it is interactions like these that I live for.

You're always just one conversation away from bringing joy to someone else, and what a powerful thing to understand. :)

I whole-heartedly hope that I hear from her in a decade or so, and you better believe we're gonna get him right!! 😅

In other news:

My summer tour starts tomorrow and I am HERE FOR IT.

I'll be on the road for 13 weeks, and working during 11 of them. (Because, balance.)

(Note: If any of my Tehachapi, CA people are reading this, please spread the word and this link for our time together coming up August 1st - 4th. I grew up in a small town, and we were vastly underserved in the camp/training business. I will only have four clinic events per calendar year, and Tehachapi will be my inaugural one that I'm running solo. Hope to see yall there, and I can't wait!!)

I'll have the opportunity to impact hundreds of athletes this summer and I feel so blessed to be able to do this with my life and time.

Something about the energy in this space I'm in tells me it's going to be a period of intense growth for me personally... and am I ready for it? Lol tbh I'm not totally sure about that. 

But what I DO I know is...

if I were ready for it, it wouldn't be called growth.

I'm excited to bring you all along for the journey.

Thanks for being here.

Stay tuned. :)

I'll see you next Friday. 🔥

Shooters Shoot,
